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Study Abroad Programs Worldwide: +(34) 91 591 23 06    |   Contact us

Educate The Press & Internet Public


Anybody who has ever studied a language abroad, knows that it is the best way to learn a language and/or the experience of a life time. Then why doesn't the press write about this type of travel more often? We don't know.  We are encouraging language travelers to EDUCATE THE PRESS & INTERNET PUBLIC by offering a $100 AmeriSpan Study Abroad Discount coupon toward any AmeriSpan program or $50 cash (whichever you prefer) for anyone who gets an article, letter or press release published in a printed magazine, newspaper or newsletter about studying abroad. In addition, any article, letter, blog or weblink added you will receive a $50-$500 AmeriSpan Study Abroad Discount coupon or $25-$250 in cash for web content.

For web content, the coupons and cash varies depending on the relevance of website(s) traffic (topics such as study abroad or language learning project GOOD & Relevant traffic) and overall website(s) traffic.  It ranges from $50 AmeriSpan Study Abroad Discount coupon or $25 cash for your first personal blog to a $500 AmeriSpan Study Abroad Discount coupon or $250 cash if adding us to a college website promoting study abroad or a website that exclusively promotes language learning or study abroad. Of course other websites, likely fall in between $50 and $500. Important note: reporting existing links that are already on your college's or certain websites and/or reporting google adwords ads appearing on sites are deemed "existing" and not eligible for "Educate The Press & Internet Public".

This contest is open to anyone whether you have used AmeriSpan in the past or not. We don't care what language you studied or where you studied but the article needs to mention AmeriSpan Study Abroad and a way to contact us - preferably our 800-toll-free number, email address and website. For getting published or weblinks, you must have a link AmeriSpan Study Abroad (www.amerispan.com) or a link to the relevant page such as our SALUD Medical Spanish Programs (www.amerispan.com/medical_spanish/) Self-serving? Well, you can list all of our competitors and any other sources that you know and you will still receive either a $100 AmeriSpan Study Abroad Discount coupon or $50 in cash for printed materials and a $50-$500 AmeriSpan Study Abroad Discount coupon or $25-$250 in cash for web content. 

There is no limit to how much you can earn! Get an article published in 10 papers and you'll earn a $1,000 coupon toward an AmeriSpan trip or $500 to spend as you wish. Add your blog and just one study abroad site and you'll receive a $550 AmeriSpan Study Abroad Discount coupon or $275 cash.


To qualify printed material, the article must appear in a publication with a circulation of at least 10,000 and mention that AmeriSpan offers study abroad programs with our toll free telephone number, email address or website. Send AmeriSpan a copy of the published article and your preference: $50 cash or $100 language travel coupon. Your incentive will be mailed within 2 weeks.

To qualify web content, the content must include a link to one of AmeriSpan's web pages on www.amerispan.com and ONLY a link qualifies as webcontent but blogs, articles, etc. generally receive a higher coupon or cash incentive. Mail us a link to the website/blog which posts the web content and indicate your preference for a coupon or cash incentive. Your incentive will be mailed within 2 weeks.

For more information, call +(34) 91 591 23 06 or info@amerispan.com.


Email: info@amerispan.com
Business Hours: 8am-2pm EST (Mon-Thu), 7am-1pm EST (Fri)
Worldwide: +(34) 91 591 23 06
Facebook: AmeriSpanStudyAbroad
Twitter: AmeriSpanAbroad
YouTube: AmeriSpan
Google+: AmeriSpanStudyAbroad
Linked In: AmeriSpan-Study-Abroad
We offer programs in the following countries:
Argentina  Brazil  Canada  Chile  China  Colombia  Costa Rica  Dominican Republic  Ecuador  France  Germany  Greece  Guatemala  India  Italy  Japan  Jordan  Korea  Mexico  Panama  Peru  Poland  Portugal  Puerto Rico  Russia  Spain  Switzerland  Uruguay 

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